For the Communities Without Electricity (CWE) nominated and submitted to Youths and Environmental Advocacy Centre (YEAC) for consideration and possible development of Solar Mini-Grid Electricity Project as part of the organization’s facilitated Energy Transition Programmes (ETP) and youth alternative livelihood opportunities (YALO) to disabuse the minds of youths from artisanal crude oil refining and empowerment through Productive Use (PU) following our public notice dated March 18, 2022; you are requested to kindly provide the following data and information by filling out the short form below as accurate as possible.
This data and information is to enable Advocacy Centre have some knowledge about the community, submit request for the project development in the community and calculate the capacity of the Solar Mini-Grid facility suitable to carry the community ahead of our in-person visit and direct engagement and consultations with the community leadership and development of the project IF the community is finally considered and shortlisted.
They are;
1. What is the name of the community, LGA and State?
2. Is the community accessible by road or water?
3. Are there existing electricity/distribution networks/poles of DisCo/PHED in place?
4. Are there community-wide generator and poles in place?
5. What is the average number of houses in the community?
6. What is the average population of the community?
7. What top three economic activities are taking place in the community and at what average percentage? For example, 50% trading; 30% fishing and 20% government and related activities/works.
8. Which GSM network coverage is/are available in the community? (MTN, 9mobile, Airtel and Glo): Name all that applies:
9. Using Google map on your phone, what is the coordinate of the community? It looks like this “4.5672640, 7.3274933”
10. Using Google map on your phone, what is the Plus Code of the community? It looks like this “H89G+6WH”
Kindly submit the completed information by email to and copy
Thank you.
Executive Director, YEAC.