
The Challenges of Living in a Polluted Environment

Nigeria’s people of Ogoni have a history of environmental pollution following decades of oil mining that terminated in 1993 followings that ousting of Shell that operated in the area. Decades after, the federal government commissioned the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) to scientifically assess the level of environmental pollution in the area leading to the publication of the popular UNEP Report on Ogoniland on August 4, 2011. While the environmental cleanup as recommended by the UNEP Report and expected to last for at least 25 years gets on the way in February 2019, inhabitants of the area continue facing the challenges of ling in a hydrocarbon polluted environment as reported by UNEP. The photographs below present a climes into the Ogoni people of the Niger Delta region of Nigeria live in a polluted environment;

(Women walk through oil polluted low tide rivers to their nearby farms also affected by pollution)

(Fishermen walking into the polluted river to cast their nets in search of fish also polluted)

(Fisherman returning from fishing a little catch for the day suspected to be contaminated with oil)

(Buying and selling of fishes from the hydrocarbon polluted rivers in Ogoniland)

Fisherman opens up the fish caught from the river and crude oil found inside the fish as also on its body and on the hands of the fisherman

A young Ogoni girls smoking and drying crayfish caught from the polluted river

Children bathing in the polluted river with highly visible oil sheen
Children bathing in polluted river in Ogoniland during lower tide

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